IBC activities
Connected Chains 27+
Open Channels 35
30 days Transactions 10758 IN & 13901 OUT
30 days DYM Transfers 1,937,002.0 DYM
30 days IBC Activities
24 hours IBC activities
Received in Dymension
  • 340 txs via 14 channels of 12+ connected chains
  • 187 txs bring 34,596.0 DYM from 7+ chains back to Dymension
  • 153 txs bring 13 different type of coins into Dymension
Sent from Dymension
  • 382 txs via 14 channels of 11+ connected chains
  • 233 txs bring 29,284.0 DYM from Dymension to other 5+ chains
  • 149 txs bring 15 type of other coins from Dymension to other chains
Denom Denom Source Chain Received Txs Count Received Amount Sent Txs Count Sent Amount
DYM Dymension 187 34,596.0 DYM 233 29,284.0 DYM
usdc uusdc noble-1 48 88,838.0 usdc (raw) 88838432397 49 46,396.0 usdc (raw) 46396406485
tia utia celestia 25 2,034.0 tia (raw) 2034728589 12 2,616.0 tia (raw) 2616273555
usdt erc20/tether/usdt kava_2222-10 15 914.0 usdt (raw) 914696811 16 7,400.0 usdt (raw) 7400340926
weth weth-wei axelar-dojo-1 14 0.4697 weth (raw) 469745354493759737 13 0.8124 weth (raw) 812425832287783023
nim anim nim_1122-1 15 4,452.0 nim (raw) 4452256714673382790310 7 23,899.0 nim (raw) 23899338287520617912230
atom uatom cosmoshub-4 5 948.0 atom (raw) 948955750 15 816.0 atom (raw) 816401636
milkTIA factory/osmo1f5vfcph2dvfeqcqkhetwv75fda69z7e5c2dldm3kvgj23crkv6wqcn47a0/umilkTIA osmosis-1 5 96.0 milkTIA (raw) 96633690 11 178.0 milkTIA (raw) 178251201
mand amand mande_18071918-1 11 1,377.0 mand (raw) 1377430239928144446563 5 12,124.0 mand (raw) 12124255149575943035259
stTIA stutia stride-1 3 59.0 stTIA (raw) 59916526 9 140.0 stTIA (raw) 140000824
wbtc factory/osmo1z0qrq605sjgcqpylfl4aa6s90x738j7m58wyatt0tdzflg2ha26q67k743/wbtc osmosis-1 6 0.0025 wbtc (raw) 258000 5 0.0017 wbtc (raw) 175280
stDYM stadym stride-1 3 242.0 stDYM (raw) 242000000000000000000 3 230.0 stDYM (raw) 230252876254478537715
ibc/7B1E1EFA6808065DA759354B6F21433156F4BF5DF2CF96DCBBC91738683748AF (unknown) 2 (raw) 1100000000 1 (raw) 100000000
strd ustrd stride-1 - - 1 0.0874 strd (raw) 87487
ntrn untrn neutron-1 1 0.2751 ntrn (raw) 275166 - -
osmo uosmo osmosis-1 - - 1 1.0 osmo (raw) 1000000
kava ukava kava_2222-10 - - 1 18.0 kava (raw) 18000000
7 days IBC activities
Received in Dymension
  • 2660 txs via 17 channels of 12+ connected chains
  • 1236 txs bring 226,155.0 DYM from 9+ chains back to Dymension
  • 1424 txs bring 16 different type of coins into Dymension
Sent from Dymension
  • 3621 txs via 19 channels of 12+ connected chains
  • 2208 txs bring 222,308.0 DYM from Dymension to other 8+ chains
  • 1413 txs bring 16 type of other coins from Dymension to other chains
Denom Denom Source Chain Received Txs Count Received Amount Sent Txs Count Sent Amount
DYM Dymension 1236 226,155.0 DYM 2208 222,308.0 DYM
usdc uusdc noble-1 579 597,808.0 usdc (raw) 597808493025 462 726,863.0 usdc (raw) 726863482584
tia utia celestia 227 25,878.0 tia (raw) 25878597113 316 26,098.0 tia (raw) 26098150079
atom uatom cosmoshub-4 70 7,563.0 atom (raw) 7563654857 120 8,201.0 atom (raw) 8201398477
milkTIA factory/osmo1f5vfcph2dvfeqcqkhetwv75fda69z7e5c2dldm3kvgj23crkv6wqcn47a0/umilkTIA osmosis-1 80 1,406.0 milkTIA (raw) 1406016282 87 1,722.0 milkTIA (raw) 1722266954
weth weth-wei axelar-dojo-1 81 2.172 weth (raw) 2172042634215309004 83 2.2847 weth (raw) 2284739639630351713
usdt erc20/tether/usdt kava_2222-10 75 43,669.0 usdt (raw) 43669075676 85 53,340.0 usdt (raw) 53340053592
mand amand mande_18071918-1 94 170,472.0 mand (raw) 170472125673924151677400 28 50,139.0 mand (raw) 50139759848487006016064
nim anim nim_1122-1 91 75,599.0 nim (raw) 75599756155803360293066 23 75,308.0 nim (raw) 75308714811021991899250
wbtc factory/osmo1z0qrq605sjgcqpylfl4aa6s90x738j7m58wyatt0tdzflg2ha26q67k743/wbtc osmosis-1 39 0.0184 wbtc (raw) 1849840 69 0.0273 wbtc (raw) 2732572
stTIA stutia stride-1 48 721.0 stTIA (raw) 721281199 56 975.0 stTIA (raw) 975012915
ibc/06E986DAC5B8364D9BA8DEF216F2E2889B53238510BAFADA2A3D2819822E6A5C dymension_1100-1 2 (raw) 151489020460750147308935 49 (raw) 20968534261016201391070000
stDYM stadym stride-1 13 1,337.0 stDYM (raw) 1337506804169780790541 19 1,376.0 stDYM (raw) 1376756978750659307595
osmo uosmo osmosis-1 21 3,717.0 osmo (raw) 3717185696 11 1,425.0 osmo (raw) 1425082128
strd ustrd stride-1 - - 3 23.0 strd (raw) 23195135
ibc/7B1E1EFA6808065DA759354B6F21433156F4BF5DF2CF96DCBBC91738683748AF (unknown) 2 (raw) 1100000000 1 (raw) 100000000
kava ukava kava_2222-10 1 18.0 kava (raw) 18000000 1 18.0 kava (raw) 18000000
ntrn untrn neutron-1 1 0.2751 ntrn (raw) 275166 - -
30 days IBC activities
Received in Dymension
  • 10758 txs via 19 channels of 13+ connected chains
  • 5895 txs bring 1,011,704.0 DYM from 11+ chains back to Dymension
  • 4863 txs bring 17 different type of coins into Dymension
Sent from Dymension
  • 13901 txs via 19 channels of 12+ connected chains
  • 9211 txs bring 925,298.0 DYM from Dymension to other 10+ chains
  • 4690 txs bring 18 type of other coins from Dymension to other chains
Denom Denom Source Chain Received Txs Count Received Amount Sent Txs Count Sent Amount
DYM Dymension 5895 1,011,704.0 DYM 9211 925,298.0 DYM
usdc uusdc noble-1 1794 1,828,573.0 usdc (raw) 1828573059368 1675 2,023,490.0 usdc (raw) 2023490520703
tia utia celestia 539 58,691.0 tia (raw) 58691854275 733 63,108.0 tia (raw) 63108071261
nim anim nim_1122-1 661 801,782.0 nim (raw) 801782753038815038583587 189 788,122.0 nim (raw) 788122723272849445043890
mand amand mande_18071918-1 594 709,238.0 mand (raw) 709238264722326163588798 205 562,239.0 mand (raw) 562239048517106189080255
atom uatom cosmoshub-4 238 19,396.0 atom (raw) 19396904722 450 22,813.0 atom (raw) 22813288921
milkTIA factory/osmo1f5vfcph2dvfeqcqkhetwv75fda69z7e5c2dldm3kvgj23crkv6wqcn47a0/umilkTIA osmosis-1 214 4,063.0 milkTIA (raw) 4063524412 330 5,692.0 milkTIA (raw) 5692966951
usdt erc20/tether/usdt kava_2222-10 229 117,741.0 usdt (raw) 117741273068 274 145,094.0 usdt (raw) 145094075844
weth weth-wei axelar-dojo-1 248 7.0 weth (raw) 7934371057436448884 252 8.0 weth (raw) 8886006282736401699
wbtc factory/osmo1z0qrq605sjgcqpylfl4aa6s90x738j7m58wyatt0tdzflg2ha26q67k743/wbtc osmosis-1 112 0.0538 wbtc (raw) 5381989 186 0.075 wbtc (raw) 7509365
stTIA stutia stride-1 129 2,006.0 stTIA (raw) 2006751242 144 2,826.0 stTIA (raw) 2826699803
stDYM stadym stride-1 36 6,512.0 stDYM (raw) 6512686534160257739304 131 6,791.0 stDYM (raw) 6791979861968256828631
osmo uosmo osmosis-1 54 4,935.0 osmo (raw) 4935898241 47 2,511.0 osmo (raw) 2511582181
ibc/06E986DAC5B8364D9BA8DEF216F2E2889B53238510BAFADA2A3D2819822E6A5C dymension_1100-1 8 (raw) 5142609020460750147308935 57 (raw) 26389255486348321093035000
strd ustrd stride-1 2 2.041 strd (raw) 2041000 13 33.0 strd (raw) 33214608
kava ukava kava_2222-10 2 18.0 kava (raw) 18500000 1 18.0 kava (raw) 18000000
ibc/7B1E1EFA6808065DA759354B6F21433156F4BF5DF2CF96DCBBC91738683748AF (unknown) 2 (raw) 1100000000 1 (raw) 100000000
ntrn untrn neutron-1 1 0.2751 ntrn (raw) 275166 1 10.0 ntrn (raw) 10281482
IRO/dymensiondoge_269729-1 dymension_1100-1 - - 1 (raw) 1816092726490169800000000
Chain Recent TVL Channels Incoming Txs Outgoing Txs
osmosis-1 1,174,146 USD channel-2 (5614 in | 9189 out) 5614 txs 879,594.0 DYM 9189 txs 779,702.0 DYM
noble-1 14,091 USD channel-6 (1855 in | 1738 out) channel-33 (0 in | 0 out) 1855 txs 5,046.0 DYM 1738 txs 4,204.0 DYM
celestia channel-4 (539 in | 733 out) 539 txs 733 txs
cosmoshub-4 33,154 USD channel-1 (450 in | 687 out) channel-50 (0 in | 0 out) 450 txs 40,308.0 DYM 687 txs 31,402.0 DYM
nim_1122-1 11,361 USD channel-49 (663 in | 196 out) 663 txs 504.0 DYM 196 txs 662.0 DYM
stride-1 39,352 USD channel-0 (371 in | 370 out) 371 txs 75,097.0 DYM 370 txs 96,806.0 DYM
mande_18071918-1 1,601 USD channel-51 (538 in | 124 out) 538 txs 352.0 DYM 124 txs 391.0 DYM
axelar-dojo-1 1,101 USD channel-5 (253 in | 257 out) 253 txs 1,704.0 DYM 257 txs 1,703.0 DYM
kava_2222-10 31 USD channel-3 (231 in | 275 out) 231 txs 275 txs
neutron-1 39,569 USD channel-9 (84 in | 101 out) 84 txs 3,493.0 DYM 101 txs 2,494.0 DYM
kaiyo-1 channel-10 (76 in | 55 out) channel-48 (0 in | 0 out) 76 txs 2,208.0 DYM 55 txs 1,683.0 DYM
memecoin_759810-1 channel-56 (14 in | 94 out) 14 txs 208.0 DYM 94 txs 370.0 DYM
carbon-1 channel-43 (46 in | 18 out) 46 txs 1,973.0 DYM 18 txs 4,579.0 DYM
dymcoinflip_240738-1 channel-52 (7 in | 20 out) 7 txs 518.0 DYM 20 txs 604.0 DYM
dymwizards_4444-1 channel-54 (4 in | 17 out) 4 txs 12.0 DYM 17 txs 72.0 DYM
brainpump_545686-1 channel-53 (6 in | 14 out) 6 txs 522.0 DYM 14 txs 546.0 DYM
wojakalphapass_648029-1 channel-57 (4 in | 10 out) 4 txs 36.0 DYM 10 txs 59.0 DYM
chihuahua-1 channel-58 (2 in | 2 out) 2 txs 2 txs
aviaone_860367-1 channel-55 (0 in | 1 out) - 1 txs 15.0 DYM
secret-4 channel-35 (1 in | 0 out) 1 txs 124.0 DYM -
archway-1 channel-45 (0 in | 0 out) - -
drbe channel-46 (0 in | 0 out) - -
evmos_9001-2 channel-37 (0 in | 0 out) - -
injective-1 channel-47 (0 in | 0 out) - -
STRIDE channel-38 (0 in | 0 out) channel-39 (0 in | 0 out) channel-40 (0 in | 0 out) channel-41 (0 in | 0 out) channel-42 (0 in | 0 out) - -
stride-internal-1 channel-44 (0 in | 0 out) - -
wormchain channel-34 (0 in | 0 out) channel-36 (0 in | 0 out) - -